Varicocele, an abnormally enlarged vein draining the testicle, is the most common cause of infertility in men. It is believed that almost one third of the infertile men who have never fathered a child have varicocele, and 50-80% of men who were once fertile, but are now infertile, have also varicocele. This clearly indicates that varicocele causes progressive time-dependent decline in fertility. Varicocele causes pooling of blood in the scrotum and rises in testicular temperature. Even a one degree rise in testicular temperature can cause an adverse effect on production of sperm testosterone function. However, the good news is that varicocele is treatable. A number of research suggests that varicocele surgery improves infertility issues in men.

How Can Treatment Improve Infertility Issues?

Varicocele treatment decreases sperm DNA fragmentation, or breaks the DNA strands into pieces. After varicocele treatment, the sperm parameters are improved and the sperm DNA fragmentation is decreased significantly. This helps in improving clinical pregnancy and live birth rates, even when IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is employed in infertile couples in which the male partner has a clinical varicocele. Not only this, microsurgical varicocelectomy can induce spermatogenesis and helps in achieving pregnancy for couples in which the male partner has zero sperm count or a severely low sperm count as well as low sperm motility.

Varicocele treatment has another important function. The testicles have two purposes: one is to produce sperm, and the other is to produce testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone that is necessary for normal sex drive, erection, muscle strength, energy level and bone health. The problem of varicocele significantly lowers testosterone levels. But the proper treatment of varicocele greatly improves the levels of testosterone in more than two-thirds of men.

Men with the problem of infertility can upgrade to normal semen, which can allow for natural pregnancy, or upgrade to semen of good quality for intrauterine insemination. Men with azoospermia may produce ejaculated sperm adequate for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Even if a man remains azoospermic, varicocele treatment may enhance spermatogenesis that allows enough sperm production for ICSI. Precisely, varicocele treatment improves infertility issues. Therefore, you can contact any specialist doctor and get the best-suited treatment for your problem.

Treatment Of Varicocele

It is extremely important and wise to seek medical treatment as soon as you start noticing the symptoms of varicocele. This problem can majorly impact sperm productions and the overall health of your testicles. It also blocks the flow of blood in the male reproductive system. Therefore, it is important to get the best and timely treatment so that you stay safe from other health complications that it may cause. There are different types of treatments available to treat varicocele. However, the specific treatment option is recommended based on the severity and grade of your varicocele.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Varicocele

The Ayurvedic herbal medicines are quite effective in curing varicocele. The Ayurvedic treatment treats this medical condition by bringing immediate symptomatic relief and stopping the varicocele from getting enlarged. To bring all these improvements, Ayurvedic medicines work on Vayu Dosh of your body. Hence, the Ayurveda doctor may prescribe you some medicated oils and decoctions to get rid of your problem. However, it all depends on the condition of your varicocele. Ayurvedic tablets are very effective in providing relief from the pain and discomfort of varicocele. Chirvilwadi Kashayam, Chandraprabha Vati, and Sukumaran Kashayam are considered as the most effective tablets to treat varicocele. Do consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking any medicine for the purpose of treating varicocele.

Homeopathy Treatment For Varicocele

Homeopathic medicine also treats varicocele effectively. They deal with the inflammation of the testes and soothes the enlarged veins. Homeopathic medicines also work proactively in relieving the pain caused by varicocele. Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy that alleviates the stinging pain and discomfort caused by varicocele. It also helps in improving the problem of premature ejaculation. Varicocele can affect the health of testes and may even lead to impotency. Arnica is another homeopathic medicine that reduces swelling of the testes and restores normal sperm production. There are several other medicines in homeopathy that you can take after consultation with a doctor.

Home Remedies For Varicocele

You can use easily available over the counter painkillers for instantaneous relief or you can even use an ice pack on the scrotum to subside the swelling and relieve pain. You should refrain yourself from strenuous physical activities, especially exercises as that may increase the pain and discomfort. These simple home remedies can surely bring a significant change in your condition. You should also be aware of the fact that varicocele might reappear if you do not get proper treatment. So, to avoid the chances of recurrence, undergoing varicocelectomy is the best and finest choice.

Varicocelectomy For Varicocele

Varicocelectomy is the ultimate and best option when all the other treatment options fail to offer a permanent solution to varicocele. It is a surgical procedure in which enlarged veins are removed. The laparoscopic varicocelectomy is considered as the best surgical option. It is a minimally invasive technique that does not involve pain. It also does not cause bleeding and the surrounding tissues are left intact during the entire surgical procedure. During laparoscopic varicocelectomy, the surgeon uses a thin tube, also called a laparoscope, which allows the surgeon to work through a few small incisions. The chances of recurrence after varicocelectomy is almost zero and the success rate is quite high as compared to other treatment options. The recovery is also quick and comfortable as there are no wounds or stitches. You feel no pain during the whole surgical treatment due to the effect of anaesthesia.

The best thing about laparoscopic varicocelectomy is that you do not need to stay at the hospital for many days. Because it allows you to go home within 24-48 hours. You can even resume your normal activities within a week. You should also ensure that you meet your doctor for the follow-up meetings as they make sure that the recovery period goes smoothly. However, it can be complex if you choose open surgery for varicocele. Open surgery involves big incisions, pain and discomfort. The recovery period after open surgery is also longer than laparoscopic surgery.

After laparoscopic varicocelectomy, you should avoid sexual intercourse until your doctor allows it. Refrain yourself from physical activities such as swimming as per your doctor’s advice. You should also avoid excess straining during bowel movements and do not drive for long hours during your entire recovery period. These simple tips will speed up your recovery. In case of any problem, contact your doctor immediately and discuss your problem.